Sunday, July 17, 2011

PLN Reflection 3: Using Technology for Literacy

Literacy once referred to printed words on paper as they matter to reading or writing. However, as Ann Holum and Jan Gahala point out, in our digital world, the understanding of literacy has expanded greatly. We even have terms, as their article “Using Technology to Enhance Literacy Instruction” in The Critical Issue points out, like computer literacy, digital literacy, and media literacy that reflect the critical need to be literate in ways beyond simply reading and writing.

That said, these old and new concepts are not irreconcilable. There are ways in which the new forms of literacy, namely digital media, can successfully assist in the teaching of traditional literary skills. Audiosharing, Word Processing, general emailing, and blogging are all ways in which students, according to the article (follow the link below) can become more literate persons in all facets. In fact, if we equip students with skill practice in various areas of literacy, we will prepare better prepare them for the multi-faceted and multitudinous media forms they’ll be required to be literate in in the 21st century. In other words, to ignore these multiple avenues of technology would be counterproductive to the kind of literacy skills needed by students.

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